Saturday, 8 March 2014

Chicken additions

I needed to increase my chicken numbers as some of my older ones are getting a bit past laying much.

I was planning on getting about 4 but saw this group of 7 young ones advertised for sale and couldn't resist.

The rooster was an Orpington which is a breed I'm interested in. They are an old English breed which are friendly & good layers even through the cold winter months.

The chicks mothers were half orpington's so we have ended up with some interesting colour combinations.  They are still young but should start to lay in a couple of months which will be just before winter. 


  1. Great to see them up close.

  2. Beautiful looking chickens Jocee, hope they lay well.

  3. They are pretty chickens, I love their colors.. I hope you get a lot of eggs. Thank you for sharing your post on Saturday's Critters. Have a happy weekend!

  4. You were smart to think ahead so that you'll continue to get plenty of eggs.

  5. Great shots and glad you found this set ~ from Sat Crits ~ thanks, xxx

    artmusedog and carol

  6. Hi I love hens, my Gran always had them and I loved feeding them for her as thye would feed from my hand. Your news chickens are great and I am sure the eggs will taste wonderful (when they lay)

  7. lovely photos of your new flock. I didn't realise Orpington's are good layers over winter. Thanks! Love Leanne

  8. Lovely color dress of this chicken.

  9. The more the merrier, plus lots more eggs!

  10. They're beautiful! Lovely colours. I hope you'll get lots of eggs.

  11. What a lovely addition! I would love to have chickens such as these.


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