Saturday, 20 December 2014

Sheep Pruning

It's that time of year when the sheep get shorn and lose their heavy wool coats.  After shearing they were put in our front paddock where the grass has been growing like mad and is up to their chins in places.  The lambs will be shorn in a month and are nearly as big as their Mothers now.

The trees have been growing fast in the warm, wet weather we have been having.  This sheep decided to do some over-head pruning.  That's her 2 lambs looking at me.

A day after going in the paddock all the trees are trimmed to the same height.  My four legged pruners do an excellent job.

This one is an expert at balancing on two legs and reaching where others can't.  That's an apple tree she's eating - I guess I'll be up a ladder with the birds to get the fruit  that's left later on this season.


  1. What a fancy pants, I wonder if her lambs will start copying her?

  2. cool sheep! how are they coping with our half summer conditions?

    1. They don't mind - the more rain the more grass, so they are happy.

  3. Hello Jocee, I love your cute pruners..The one on her hinds legs is showing the young ones how it's done.. Awesome photos! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post to my critter party.. Have a happy weekend..

  4. They are all lovely now they are shorn. There is always one that thinks there is better eating nearly out of reach. Have a lovely weekend.

  5. so very cute! happy munchers that do an excellent job!

  6. Beautiful photos of your sheep and lambs ~ busy time for you ~

    Happy Holidays to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  7. Bet it feels good to have their coats off. : )

  8. They are all so cute Jocee. Your pruners get real busy. Great photos!

  9. "Ewe all look at me!" says the smarty sheep.


  10. What a great job they do...and very happy to help, I'm sure. Little lambs are learning.

  11. Lovely to see your critters. So cute!

  12. Great images! I love your cute gardeners.


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