Spur-winged Plover
This little nest was in the paddock below our house. These birds make their nest anywhere in the paddocks with very little nesting material and blend in with the surroundings. The only reason I found this one was because it was chirping.
The first chick was on his way out.
These 2 pictures are of the parents. There are a few of them on the farm, they live here all year round and breed here. I couldn't get close enough for a clear shot so had to zoom from a distance.
I checked back in a few hours and found this little guy still drying off and stumbling around on his big feet. Once they hatch the family keeps moving so I haven't been able to photograph them again.
The Australian Magpie-lark which we spotted in lots of the parks on our trip to Western Australia.
First thing this morning, with a light frost on the ground, the dogs and I headed off on our walk.
The sun was just starting to rise.
Holly is on the lookout for a rabbit breakfast.
Luke is enjoying the sun, and he's always keen on having his photo taken.
The cows are up and grazing. It was so quiet, the birds calling to each other was the only sound.
Back home in the orchard and Toby is waiting for me - or waiting for breakfast!
A collection of birds, spotted on our trip to Western Australia
Kookaburra in the Tuart Forest.
Magpie-lark at Kings Park in Perth.
Australian Raven watching me from a park tree in Bunbury.
A peaceful looking Pelican spotted on a nature walk in Bunbury.
Also saw these 2 Black Swans doing some synchronized swimming in the same little inlet.
A beautiful summer day on the farm.
Luke's checking the pond for anything worth chasing and I'm watching the clouds go by.