My favourite Camellia has started to flower. She's called Donation and I got given one many years ago when my son was born. I have planted one every time I have moved since then and have 2 big plants here.
She is a great looking shrub all year round with dark glossy green leaves and bright pure pink flowers. She starts flowering in June (winter for us) and keeps going until mid spring.
A constant display of these beautiful flowers. Best of all she looks after herself, no pruning, no bugs - my sort of plant.
She hasn't decided to be brave and swim in it yet, but there are always things to see in it, even if it's just your reflection.
Her mother was a labrador crossed with a german short-haired pointer, and I have seen her do the "point" a couple of times, I think that's where that straight little tail comes from. She doesn't stand still long - at her age everything is interesting and should be investigated at once, so I was quick to capture this pose while I had the chance.
We have had a very nice start to winter with the first few days frosty followed by blue sky.
I took the dogs for a walk to the top of the hill to look down on the valley and what was left of the mornings frost. The sheep are in a nice sunny paddock and have thawed out fast. the paddock along the bottom of the hill is still in the shade of the Poplar trees and is white and crunchy underfoot.
The dogs love the highest spot to view the world below them. With the sun low in the sky now it's winter, I managed to get a nice Holly shadow before she was off to explore again.