Wasps in the Garden.
I was in the vegetable garden last week trying to tame the plants after all the warm rain we have had lately. I have been neglecting it a bit. I heard a bit of buzzing but didn't work out what it was until I was stung twice on the leg. I did what every sensible gardener should do and sent my husband out to investigate.
He found the source of my problem. I had walked passed it and not noticed. The wasps had made a nest underneath one of the walking boards, in between the potatoes and garlic. As we have a lovely organic garden the usual poison that is recommended for wasp nests wasn't an option.
I went straight to the internet (as you do) and found an answer that seemed too simple to be true. Dishwash liquid and a lot of water. The soap breaks down the outer layer of the wasp and the water drowns them, quite quickly I was assured.
That night the men went out and did the deed:
1) Mesh over hole
2) Lots of dishwash liquid squirted into hole
3) Water from the hose to fill the hole and drown everyone - Queen, larvae, and workers.
The next morning there were only half a dozen lost workers flying around who had been sleeping outside. They disappeared by the end of the day.
This is what was being built. Quite a work of art, but not in my garden thanks!
Garlic was safely harvested, plaited by my daughter and is drying out in the garage. Hopefully we will have no more invasions.